We will target to complete the following networks integration, so that you send a message in Google+, the same message will be sent to other networks at almost same time.
Reminder: You can only configure all these integration on Google Chrome because the Plus Plurk only work on Google Chrome.
Let’s get start, get all your account name and password ready. and download the google Chrome, because the Application(Plus Plurk) program will need to be run on google Chrome.
Copy this URL on google Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lmkedcilhgjhbgnjkjonkbiddheohfbk#detail/lmkedcilhgjhbgnjkjonkbiddheohfbk
you should see the following:
Click on "Add to Chrome" as following.
Request permission for Plus Plurk to access info in your google+, facebook and Plurk, Click to “Add” as following.
First get the Plurk authorization to access info in your Plurk account by clicking “Process authorization”
Plus Plurk bring up Plurk login
Accept Plus Plurk to access authorization to your info in Plurk.
Successful authorization for Plurk, see the following.
Secondly, To get Facebook authorization for Plus Plurk by clicking the following.
Login Facebook to accept the access authorization
This show that your authorization to Facebook is accepted.
Lastly, get Google+ toto accept the access authorization
Assume you have login into Google+ account, you should see a little icon (little p) on up-right corner, click on that icon to process the authorization with Google+..
Complete the authorization in google+, see the following.
Now you have completed Google+, Facebook and Plurk integration by using Plus Plurk App.
You can go to your Google+ profile, and try to send a message, and verify if the same message has been sent to Plurk and facenbook.
Before you click on “Share”, you have two options now, you can check box if you want to send to Plurk and Facebook.
Reminder: You can only configure all these integration on Google Chrome, as well as sending a message from Google Chrome not from Internet exploxer.
Now you can configure the connection from Plurk to twitter, 新浪微博, Yahoo. we will take twitter as example.
Login in your Plurk account, under my account, there is tab named “sync refresh”, click on it for synchronization as following.
There are four commuity networks(facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and Weibo) you can choice, click on “Twitter” to initialize synchronization with Twitter.
the login button appear to request you enter your user name and password, it will take a moment to complete the process after you enter username and password, please wait.
Now you have competed the community network integration, you can try to connect with Yahoo and Weibo.
Please leave a message here